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United States of America - The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of 50 states and a federal special district, including 14 territories, also known as national waters, scattered in the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans. Positive. The United States is the 3rd largest country in terms of both area and population in the world, is one of the most racially diverse countries in the world, as a result of immigration from many other countries around the world. gender. The United States is recognized by many nations as the most influential military, cultural, and economic power in the world.

Tin vắn quốc tế ngày 19/12/2019. - VINAROYAL GROUP

The White House



✨ Country Name: America/the United States

✨ Capital: Washington, D.C.

✨ Area: 9.82663 million km² (3rd in the world after Canada and Russia)

✨ Population: 308,586,000 (2010)

✨ Main Religion: Protestant/Christian

✨ Currency: U.S. Dollars ($)

✨ Time zone: GMT-5 to GMT - 10 – Summer: GMT - 4 to GMT - 10

✨ Language: English – US (US English)

      The continental United States stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and from Canada to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Alaska is the largest state in terms of area, bordering the Pacific and Arctic oceans and separated by Canada from the continental United States. Hawaii consists of a chain of islands located in the Pacific Ocean.

bản đồ mỹ



     Because the United States is large in size and has a wide variety of topography, the United States has nearly all climates. Mild in most regions, tropical in Hawaii and southern Florida, polar in Alaska, semi-arid in the Great Plains west of 100 degrees longitude, desert in Southwest climate, Mediterranean climate in coastal California, and arid climate in the Great Basin. Severe weather is rarely seen.

Hoa Anh Đào mùa xuân, điều kỳ diệu của nước Mỹ


     In general, the climate in the US is divided into 4 distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

 From March to May is the warm weather of spring

 Summer (summer) starts from June and lasts until August, the climate is hot and sunny.

 From August to November is in the cool and fresh autumn.

 And winter is from December to February, the climate is dry - cold and there are places with snowfall.

     However, the climate of each region still has certain differences in temperature and humidity. The US mainland can be divided into 7 regions with typical climates.

1.1 Northwestern Region:

The Northwest Region includes the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. Winters are usually quite cool and wet for places near the coast, and cool and dry inland. And often there is heavy and cold snow on the hills. Summer weather is cooler and drier than in much of the rest of the United States. This can be explained by the fact that the Pacific Ocean contributes to air cooling, especially near the shore. This is also the sunniest area of the year during the summer months.

1.2 High Plains:

The region includes the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Minnesota. Winters here are often extremely cold (below freezing several times) and dry. Especially, with the northern states in the region. The temperature becomes more pleasant if you move south. Most of the winter rain in this area comes in the form of snow. Summer temperatures will warm and dry the air, although storms will appear to replace winter snow.

1.3 Midwest/Ohio Valley Region:

This area includes the states of Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky. Winter here is especially cold, even the northern states have temperatures in winter that can freeze the water. The atmosphere in the region is characterized by humid air due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and large lakes. Snowy cities include Chicago and Madison. In the summer, the high humidity typical of the region can make you feel hot even though the temperature is only 27 degrees Celsius like in other regions.

1.4 New England/Mid Atlantic:

 Winter temperatures gradually cool down in northern cities in the region. In the summer, temperatures and humidity increase with cities in the south in the region. The Northeast region has a very cool autumn, favorable conditions for vegetation to grow, especially in April. Rain often appears in the form of storms, including snow and ice.

Khí hậu nước Mỹ - Những tiết lộ đến từ cẩm nang du lịch xứ sở cờ hoa


1.5 Southeast:

The Southeast region includes the states of Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.

➛ Winter here is cooler and more pleasant than winter in the northern region, with an average daily temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius. Rain occurs a lot, with only occasional snow. In high mountain places, snow appears more and forms ski hills.

➛ Summer in the Southeast is hot and humid, with an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius. Lightning also occurs quite often due to this hot and humid combination.

Compared to other regions, here autumn comes later and spring comes earlier. Very cool temperatures start from mid-October until March. This is when spring really begins.

1.6 Southern Region:

➛ This area includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.

In winter, the air is relatively pleasant with not too cold nights. The average temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius. Except for Oklahoma about 4 degrees Celsius. Snow will appear if you move north in the area. The most in Oklahoma. Louisiana and Mississippi get the most rain in the region in winter – averaging over 5 inches in January.

➛ Summer here is hot and humid – rain occurs a lot in the afternoons. Oklahoma and Texas often suffer from thunderstorms and hurricanes in the spring (Tornado Alley).

1.7 Southwestern Region:

Region 7 includes the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Deserts and rugged mountains turn this place into a rather arid land. While in the desert it is hot and warm all year round, the weather in the mountains is very cold no matter what season it is.

➛ Winter weather, marshy areas where high mountains have a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius, land and deserts are more comfortable, typically Phoenix around 16 degrees Celsius and San Francisco about 10 degrees Celsius in January.

➛ Summer in the region is typically hot and dry. Temperatures are highest in the deserts of California and Arizona. Similar to the Northwest, the Pacific Ocean helps to cool the air. The temperature is about 21 degrees Celsius. In the summer, there is very little rain here, and if it does, it usually only occurs in the high mountains. The weather in autumn and spring is extremely pleasant; However, you can hardly recognize the change of seasons because the flowers here bloom all year round, not typical in spring and autumn like in other regions.

Desert in California 



     New York – New York – As the most populous city in the United States, New York has a strong influence on global commerce, finance, culture, fashion and entertainment and is also a global center for commerce. and international transactions, is also one of the three "centralized centers" of the world economy along with London and Tokyo.

     Los Angeles – Los Angeles – As the largest city in the state of California and the second largest in the United States, this city is famous as a movie center. Many of the stars live in the neighboring city of Beverly Hills and many movies and TV shows are recorded in Hollywood, a part of the city.

     Chicago – The transportation hub of the United States. The city has long been known worldwide for its finance, technology, transportation, and ethnicity. Chicago's skyscrapers, food, political traditions, and sports teams are also well known.

     Washington D.C. – As a federal special district, independent of any state, to serve as the permanent capital of the nation. Home to departmental centers of the United States federal government and many national memorials and museums are located in the Washington D.C. special district.

     Las Vega– Dubbed the entertainment capital of the world, famous for its cuisine, casino resorts and related entertainment.

     Seattle – From a backward economic region, it has grown strongly in the center of information technology, aviation, architecture and entertainment industries. The city is known as a hub of “green” technology lovers. Seattle is also famous for consuming a lot of coffee, many coffee companies are established or headquartered in Seattle.



     The United States has a capitalist mixed economy, which is not only a developed economy but also the largest economy in the world by value of GDP. The US has the 7th largest GDP per capita in the world in nominal terms and 11th in the world in terms of PPP 2016. The US dollar (USD) is the most used currency in international transactions. and is the world's most popular reserve currency, backed by advanced science and technology, superior military, and the central role of the United States in the system of global organizations since the end of World War II. second world.

    The US economy develops thanks to rich natural resources, synchronously developed infrastructure system and high labor productivity. The value of natural resources ranks second in the world, estimated at $45 trillion in 2016. Americans have the highest average household income and wages of any United Nations bloc. Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and ranked fourth in terms of average income in 2010.

     The United States is one of the largest and most influential financial markets globally. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is currently the largest stock market by market capitalization. Foreign investments in the U.S. totaled $2.4 trillion, while U.S. investments abroad exceeded $3.3 trillion.

Vessel Building, New York (USA)



     The popular art of American cooking is similar to that of Western countries. Wheat is the main cereal grain. Traditional American cuisine uses cooking ingredients such as turkey, white-tailed venison, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and squash. Iconic American dishes such as apple pie, pizza, hamburger, and hot dog.

      The US government does not control the beliefs of Americans. The number of Christians (mostly Protestant) accounts for about 75% and the rest are religions such as Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.

      America is known as the Protestant Nation, and the success of the United States to this day is believed to be due to the majority of the population since its founding believing in God - the Creator of this earth. Most US presidents take the oath of office by placing their hands on the Bible, entrusting the sovereignty of the presidency to God.

Văn hóa Mỹ 1



Baseball is considered a national sport; American football, basketball, and hockey are the nation's three other professional team sports. Although football is not a leading professional sport in the United States, it is played by young people and amateurs of all ages. Tennis and outdoor sports are also popular.

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